Past events at MIOT
METAA - MIOT’s Endovascular Training Centre for Aortic.
Set up with an investment of Rs 22 crore, the new state-of-the-art centre was inaugurated by His Excellency Governor of TamilNadu Shri Surjit Singh Barnala in the presence of Hospital Managing Director Prof Dr P V A Mohandas and Chairperson Ms Mallika Mohandas.
“Sharing of experience and expertise in the use of novel techniques is essential in any profession, especially medicine, Miot’s new venture would help to avoid surgery with minimally invasive techniques and stents to treat aneurysms.”- Shri Surjit Singh Barnala.
“The centre was dedicated to sharing its expertise with doctors across the country,so that more patients would benefit.”-Mrs.Mallika Mohandas, Chairman.
”It is a minimally invasive and painless procedure, without blood transfusion or use of heart-lung machine, performed by experts consisting of cardiac surgeons, interventional radiologists and interventional cardiologists,” he added. ”The patient can go home in just three days, unlike the conventional treatment for aneurysm, which involved major operation, blood transfusions with a longer hospital stay “ It had implemented the pinhole surgery technique to expected levels of success.” – Padmashri Prof. Dr. P.V.A. Mohandas, Managing Director, MIOT Hospitals.