MIOT Liver Gym
Lifestyle, habits and illness may have damaged your liver over the years. You may not have had any warning signals as your liver can work in complete silence until it is 90% damaged. At this point, your entire system shuts down and a liver transplant becomes your only option.

What you may not know is that liver disease is growing at an alarming rate in India today, with one in every five people affected. Another cause for concern – the affected age group is getting younger. And its effects are obvious both at the workplace and at home.
The solution, surprisingly, lies in the liver itself. Most people don’t know that Liver is the only organ that can regenerate – even if is severely damaged, with conscious lifestyle changes and medical support, if need be.
Herein lies our chance to reverse the damage we’re doing to ourselves – The MIOT LIVER GYM.
At MIOT, we have always advocated being proactive about your health. The MIOT Liver Gym is a unique platform which focuses on reversing liver damage and minimizing your risk of contracting liver disease in the future.
What can you expect?
A thorough evaluation of your liver with blood tests and a scan, if necessary. You will then meet our specialists who will evaluate your reports, address your queries and draw up a personalised Liver Fitness Plan which you can follow wherever you are, without worrying about the silence from within.
This could include medical support, changes in diet and drinking habits, lifestyle modifications, screening and vaccination, depending on the severity of your condition. It may involve the expertise of other specialists –Diabetologists, Endocrinologists, Nutrition and Weight-loss specialists.
Schedule an appointment
To schedule an appointment please complete the below registration form, one of our coordinators will confirm the date & time of your appointment shortly
Your Liver
Your liver is your largest and most hard-working internal organ. It performs over 500 bodily functions, 200 of them simultaneously! Most of these are related to digestion, metabolism, immunity, elimination of toxins and the storing of nutrients within the body. Besides producing bile, which is essential to process food, it rids your body of toxins, makes proteins, and stores and distributes energy. It also stores vitamins, minerals and iron, and helps fight germs.
It is our only organ with the ability to regenerate - that is, it comes back to normal function in 4 weeks even when severely damaged provided the necessary care is taken in time. It can also grow back when part of it is removed in surgery. However, it is not indestructible. And we damage it over time by drinking in excess, over eating, starving ourselves, indulging in risky behaviours and more. The liver is also silent, which means that you may not experience any red flags or warning signs, until the damage is quite advanced, often beyond repair! A diseased liver can cause serious complications across organ systems.
Liver Disease – Facts & Stages
There has been a significant increase in the incidence of liver disease in India in the last few years. Our urbanised lifestyles are partially to blame for this alarming trend. Another reason is our lack of awareness of this largely silent organ and the factors that could affect its health and functioning. So despite vast improvements in diagnostic tools and treatments, most cases get diagnosed very late – and treatment options become very limited.
What are the biggest threats to your liver health? AlcoholLong-term consumption of alcohol changes your liver’s cell structure and reduces its ability to process fats, which then accumulate in your liver. This causes Fatty Liver Disease, the most common reason, worldwide, for liver breakdowns.
Fatty FoodsSometimes, your liver cannot break down foods with high sugar and fat content, including processed and canned foods. The excess fat accumulates in your liver, leading to Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD). You could be at risk for NAFLD, which is the leading cause in the West for liver disease, even if you don’t drink alcohol.
Being OverweightBeing overweight definitely places you in the danger zone for liver disease as studies show that 75% of obese individuals are likely to develop a fatty liver. If you have a Body Mass Index (BMI)* that is > 25, you should definitely watch out for problems. If your BMI is 28 or higher, you need to speak to your doctor about weight loss options.
- BMI is a measure of body fat based on height and weight. It can be calculated as follows:
- Divide your weight (in kgs) by your height (in mts). • Divide the result by your height once more.
- The result is your BMI.
- BMI Categories
- Underweight = <18.5
- Normal weight = 18.5-24.9
- Overweight = 25-29.9
- Obesity = 30 >
When you have diabetes, your body has a hard time processing sugar, which often results in the excess glycogen being deposited in your liver. The problem is compounded because most of us don’t know if we are diabetic or at risk for diabetes, until a completely unrelated problem reveals it.
HepatitisHepatitis is a viral infection that causes inflammation of the liver. They are potentially dangerous since they are asymptomatic conditions, meaning you have no way of knowing if you have the virus without a blood test.
There are several types of Hepatitis infections, namely Hepatitis A, B, C, D, and E. The most dangerous to your liver are Hepatitis B and C, which are chronic infections that could lead to scarring of the liver and liver cancers.
Both Hepatitis B and C are transmitted through transfusion of unsafe blood, sexual contact, contaminated needles, or from mother to newborn. You can protect yourself from Hepatitis B by getting screened and vaccinated – a series of 3 shots administered over a period of 6 months.
Common Symptoms of Liver Disease: Tiredness, confusion, unexplained weight loss, increase in weight – especially around your waist, skin and eyes that appear yellowish, itchy skin, loss of appetite, tendency to bruise easily, abdominal pain and swelling, nausea or vomiting, swelling in the legs and ankles
However, you would only experience these symptoms when the damage to your liver has hit about 90% – the point of no return! Getting your liver checked out once a year is the safer course, especially if you are exposed to one or more of the risk factors, or if you are above 40 years of age.
Progression of Liver Disease
Living Liver Healthy
The things that you put into your body and the lifestyle that you lead directly impact your liver’s health. Therefore, the power to keep your liver in ship-shape also rests with you.
Here are a few suggestions!
Eat rightChoose plenty of fibre-rich, water dense fruits and vegetables. Reduce your intake of salt. Fatty, fried, processed and canned foods can be hard to breakdown, so choose fresh and steamed options over these as much as possible. You can also limit the amount of fat you eat by choosing low fat meats such as chicken and fish, low fat or non-fat milk products, and replacing margarine and butter with olive oil.
Drink upWater helps to dissolve fats and soluble fibre. Make sure you drink plenty of water throughout the day.
Cut alcoholAlcohol is the biggest threat to your liver’s health. Therefore, it is important to practice moderation in your alcohol consumption.
Get physicalExercise increases blood flow to all your organs and boosts the digestion process.
Be safeHepatitis is incurable so it’s better to be safe than sorry. Firstly, get screened and vaccinated against Hepatitis B if you have not already done so.
Insist on fresh needles at your dentist, laboratory and healthcare centres for tests and delivery of medications. Also insist on sterile practices and fresh needles if you are considering a tattoo. Never share your personal hygiene implements. Blood and blood products must be sourced from a reputed centre and stringently screened before being transfused. Also have safe sexual practices.