Collaborations & Joint Venture
As part of its on-going efforts to raise the bar of medical care in India, MIOT International has partnered with leading healthcare institutions and research centres across the world.
The Indo-German Orthopaedic Foundation (IGOF), co-founded by Padmashri Prof. Dr. P. V. A. Mohandas, seeks to promote friendship and collaboration between Indian and German orthopaedic surgeons. The foundation in the last 26 years has conducted 33 courses across India, on various subjects related to joint replacement surgery, spine surgery and trauma. IGOF has also awarded fellowships to over 62 Indian surgeons who have honed their skills at leading orthopaedic centres in Germany.
IGOF has also awarded fellowships to over 62 Indian surgeons who have honed their skills at leading orthopaedic centres in Germany.
For more information go to

The Indo-British Health Initiative (IBHI), founded by Dr. Prithvi Mohandas, Managing Director, MIOT International, works to promote scientific collaboration between healthcare personnel in the United Kingdom and India. It accomplishes this by encouraging innovation in medical technology, awarding fellowships, and enabling partnerships between members of the medical community in both countries.
IBHI, launched in December 2011, has conducted several symposia on a national and international level in key healthcare areas for both countries – Orthopaedics, Gastroenterology, Diabetes and, most recently, Oncology.
IBHI also awards scholarships and prizes to enterprising young people in healthcare to encourage training, innovation and transfer of knowledge.
For more information go to
MIOT – Whittington MOU
MIOT International recently signed an MOU with Whittington Hospital, London, to set up an antenatal screening service, which is the prototype for Tamil Nadu and India. Its goal is to ensure that no Indian baby is born with undiagnosed thalassemia.
Thalassemia is the most common inherited disorder causing anemia in India. The Whittington Hospital in London boasts of the largest thalassemia unit in the United Kingdom. Together, the two institutions plan to collaborate and eradicate anaemia in India.
The formal signing took place in the presence of the Rt. Hon. Kenneth Clarke, MP – UK Cabinet Minister and Health Envoy.
MIOT international has also signed MOUs with BG UNFALLKLINIK TÜBINGEN and the city of Stuttgart, Germany.
MIOT – The Christie NHS Foundation Trust – MOU
MIOT International signed a MOU with The Christie NHS Foundation Trust, Manchester, UK to benefit the patients suffering from advanced stage cancers through “MIOT International – The Christie NHS Foundation Trust Cancer Care” association.
The Christie NHS Foundation Trust provides treatment that no other hospital in the globe can provide in terms of cancer treatment. MIOT International & The Christie NHS Foundation Trust will jointly evolve strategies to treat cancer more effectively which will help the patients get the best possible treatment available for cancer cure.