Patient Testimonials
Dear Doctor, Mallika and Prithvi,
I have been wanted to write this letter for a while to thank you for all that you did to help these past two years. He always felt that he was in safe and caring hands at MIOT and was always reassured when he was with you. The three of you not only ensured that he got excellent medical care, but more important , your warm and generous friendship and retrieving thoughtfulness gave him a peace of mind about his health that was invaluable. Moreover, all those he came in contact with when he was in the hospital- the doctors, nurses, the advice staff, the ward staff, even the sodexo staff- all created a pleasant, positive and cheerful an environment as one could hope for.
Thank you again for everything that you did for him, medically and otherwise. You went out of the way to take care of his physical and mental wellbeing and for that you have our gratitude.
With warm regards,