Past events at MIOT
MIOT International organized Hepatitis B Free Screening & Vaccination program in view of World Hepatitis Day
Over the last few years science has seen tremendous advancement in treating diseases and increasing our life span. However the cost of health care has gone up tremendously.
At MIOT Hospitals Chennai, we treat around 5 Lakhs people a year. We find that most people come to us with end stage disease or with prolonged suffering. All this could be easily and completely prevented if the public is aware of how to prevent the disease from affecting them or if they are affected how to completely stop this disease in its tracks by early treatment.
Today the public is skeptical about any hospital providing information on free treatment because they feel that all these organizations including medical professionals are driven by money. This makes information propagation difficult. MIOT Hospitals, Chennai has decided to take the first real step in building a healthy nation. This can only be done by educating tomorrow’s parents on the essential factors that govern our health. About 1000 children from classes 8 to 12 had visited MIOT to learn about early diagnosis of disease, steps to prevent disease and how to remove any fear or myths regarding illness especially pertaining to diseases of the digestive system and the Liver.

To make this even more interesting, MIOT had organized a quiz as well as a special prize for the winner from each school. But we have not stopped there. Each of these children and their parents also had free screening for Hepatitis B onsite and received free vaccination.
1 in 3 people with liver disease suffers from totally preventative Hepatitis B. Our aim is to make India a Hepatitis B free country.
Venue MIOT International
Date 27th July, 2014
Time 8:00 am to 5:00 pm